on either side is enough for thepassage of the index, which will accomplish the required dilatationitself. Treatise on gynæcology : medical and surgical. In this position the weight of theabdominal viscera draws strongly upward and forward (in relation tothe patient), tending to displace the contents of the pelvis in the samedirection, and as soon as air is allowe
[All clothingmust be loose about the waist. 91 the head is turned and rests upon the side of the face. The thighs are at right angles to the pelvis, the knees nearthe edge of the table or bed, with the feet projecting over its edge METHODS OF GYNAECOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. so-sacral Position Showing Application op Robbs Leg-holder. In this position the weight of theabdominal viscera draws strongly upward and forward (in relation tothe patient), tending to displace the contents of the pelvis in the samedirection, and as soon as air is allowe Treatise on gynæcology : medical and surgical.